jeepguy homepage  MB GPW Willys jeep restoration site for WW2 jeeps logo

an information resource for WWII jeep restorers, owners and enthusiasts
sponsored by
Vintage Wiring of Maine

Are you looking for Ren's New Book?
 If you are considering getting a WWII jeep, if you like the type of information on this website, or if you want information about buying, owning, or enjoying your WWII jeep, Ren's new book,
 WWII JEEP GUIDEBOOK, is just right for you. 
For information and ordering click here.

book logo 

Over 1000 copies sold to more than 26 different countries!

A Short History of the WWII jeep  (the basics in under 500 words)

Restoration Images Reference Section:

GPW Image Index ( a collection of GPW restoration images)
Ford Marked Parts ( a growing collection of F-marked parts images)
MB Image Index ( a growing collection of MB restoration images)

Restoration Techniques Reference Section:

GPW Restoration Journal( step-by-step from start to finish)

"How To..." pages for your MB or GPW (Repair techniques, basic data,  identification of your jeep, etc)

WWII jeep  Enthusiast's Section:

Things to Do With Your MB/GPW  ( Events, trail rides, newspaper articles,  parades, etc)

Would you like to have Ren's jeep at your event?  (How to make it happen)

Using Ren's jeep restoration site
  (information about this site)

Who is Ren?  (information about "the jeepguy")

                                  Links to other recommended sites: logo (Awidely popular resource pertaining to WWII jeeps with excellent WWII jeep related message boards offering technical advice. Highly recommended! )

 jeep draw logo
(A comprehensive collection of technical drawings of MB/GPW components for the "do-it-yourselfer". Well drawn and historically accurate.)

(An extensive site focussing on maintenance, use and history of WWII jeeps.  The site's author has written several interesting books on these topics which are available via his site.  You can spend some quality jeep time touring this fascinating site - and learn a whole bunch, too.  I'd recommend a visit!)

darryl's logo Darryl D's WWII jeep and 1/4 ton Trailer Restoration Site  (An experienced restorer tackles a WWII jeep and Trailer with great results!  The site is well illustrated, entertaining and educational - stop by!)

Vintage Wiring of Me logo Vintage Wiring of Maine   (Correct reproduction wiring harnesses for MB/GPW, CJ's, etc. - the best in the world!)

fabrikkenlogo Jeep Fabrikken  (A Norwegian jeep site that focusses on having fun with restored jeeps. Excellent images and layout.)  (GPW - MB - CJ 2A/3A/3B - MC/M38 Visual Reference - a great reference site for learning about WWII jeep engine casting codes, serial numbers, etc.)

MVPA (Military Vehicle Preservation Association)

Owl's Head Transportation Museum  (A great museum with a unique philosophy)


January MVPA graphic

Ren's jeep Restoration Site was the
Military Vehicle Preservation Association Feature Website for January, 2002
Visit the MVPA at the link above!

Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009  by Ren Bernier